Högdalen (Högdal), Sweden, Europe
Year1959latitude: 59° 15'
longitude: 18° 2'
Planning organizationNone
Nationality initiator(s)None
Designer(s) / Architect(s)Sven Markelius
Design organizationSven Markelius and AB Familjebostäder
Inhabitants7,862 (2006)
Target population15,000
Town website
Town related linkshttp://www.familjebostader.stockholm.se/menyer/nyttaonoje/stadsvandra/pdf/h ogdalen.pdf

type of New Town: > scale of autonomy
New Town
Company Town
> client
Private Corporation
Public Corporation
> policy
Initial sketches for Högdalen or Högdal close to Stockholm was done by Sven Markelius, the head planner of the City of Stockholm beginning in 1946 and approved June 17, 1953. The plan was part of the expansion of the Swedish capital that was in desperate need of decent and affordable housing. Högdalens centre was built by AB Familjebostäder. Thus, Högdalen came into being as part of the larger regional project of the 1941 decision to construct a new metro system (Tunnelbana) that would link a series of new satellite towns in the periphery to central Stockholm. The general principles for these new towns with community facilities developing along the Tunnelbana 'like pearls on a string' are described in the general plan of 1952. Following in the footsteps of English and American examples, there would be neighbourhood units for around 10,000 inhabitants with all necessities such as shops, social services and 'peoples house' conveniently close at hand. Houses were adjusted to the topography and star and point houses became the main solution. Hence, the high-rise houses close to the centre were added later to accommodate the target population. This development was seen as a new chapter in the history of urban planning in the Stockholm region with construction of tall housing in grand scale. Opening in 1954 before planning was actually finished, Högdalen Tunnelbana station anticipated the inauguration of the centre of the new town June 19, 1959. The same year Rågsveds centre was build, however, both this and Högdalens centre was somewhat overshadowed by the much larger Farsta centre, opening Autumn 1960.
Traditionally a working class town, Högdalen is housing many inhabitants with an income below Swedish average. Initially 15,000 people lived in Högdalen, however, since the nineties the population has been almost halved to 7,862 (2006) on a total area of 2,01 km2, producing a density of 3,911 km2.

source: Signe Sophie Boeggild

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