Trinidad, Cuba, North America
Year1514latitude: 21° 48'
longitude: -79° 58'
Initiator(s)Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar
Planning organizationSpain
Nationality initiator(s)Spanish
Designer(s) / Architect(s)
Design organization
Inhabitants73,466 (2004)
Target population
Town website
Town related links

type of New Town: > scale of autonomy
New Town
Company Town
> client
Private Corporation
Public Corporation
> policy
Trinidad was founded in 1514 and it is one of the seven towns that Diego Vel?ɬ°zquez de Cu?ɬ©llar (conquerer and governer of Cuba for Spain) founded on Cuba. Later spanish colonial cities follow the principles that are determined in the the Laws of the Indies that was written in 1523. This town therefore couldn't have followed these exact principles. Like the towns that were build according to the principles written down in the Laws of the Indies, Trinidad has a central square where the main church and the town hall are to be found. In contrast, the town doesn't follow a gridiron.
Because Trinidad's historical colonial centre is still left with it's original pavement and architecture, the town has been one of the UNESCO World Heritage sites since 1988.

source: Ellen van Holstein

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