
INTI has been working since 2008 on research into the social, economic and cultural development of Almere, on projects connecting Almere to other New Towns and on research connecting Almere to other cities in the international Green network. The results of this have been:

 Exhibitions: Making Almere (2012), Play Oosterwold, serious gaming (2012)

Exhibition Making Almere, 2012
Exhibition Making Almere, 2012
INTI’s PhD candidate Ekim Tan investigates how theories on self-organization can be implemented in the design process by means of Serious Gaming, 2011. (photo: Ekim Tan)

 Masterclasses for Professionals: for civil servants of the municipality (2009-2010)

Master class for professionals, 2009

 Conferences and meetings: Research on New Towns (2008), Round Table of Dutch New Towns (from 2009 on), Model Town, New Towns for the 21st Century (2010), New Towns and Politics (2010), New Towns New Territories (2011), Vinexmensen (2015), International New Town Day (2016)

Conference New Towns for the 21st Century: the Planned vs. the Unplanned City, 2009

 Publications: Vernieuwing van de nieuwe stad, groeikernen van slaapstad naar droomstad (2009), Quick scan Financing of New Towns (2009), Almere Cultural Capital of Europe (2009), The Organic City, Method or Metaphore (2010), Berichten uit de nieuwe stad (2010), Kwetsbare middenklasse? (2013), Vinexmensen (2016)

Who makes the City? is the publication accompanying the exhibition Making Almere. Its tiny size betrays that it is actually the ‘hardcopy version’ of the UAR app (see page 26) that was developed to give information on architectural and urban projects for Almere. So does the booklet, which also contains walking and cycling routes for any interested visitor to Almere.

 Lecture courses and evenings: New Towns abroad, Dutch offices in Asia (2008), Who’s afraid of Planning (2009), Learning from Almere (2009-2010), Eco Cities (2009), Green from Scratch (2011)

Highly appreciated course for citizens Learning from Almere, 2011

 Research by design: Oog voor de Buurt (2014-2015)

 PhD dissertations: by Jing Zhou (TU Delft) and Ivan Nio (UvA)

 Education: lectures for the Universities of Applied Science CAH Vilentum and Windesheim, Minor New Towns for Windesheim (2013-2014)

During the expertmeeting Green from Scratch, Liu Xiadu and Wang Hui (Urbanus), Su Yunsheng (Tongji University) and Neville Mars (Dynamic City Foundation) visited Almere and exchanged ideas on a more sustainable and green urban planning with their colleagues in Almere. In this picture: the experts visit the ecological neigborhood De Buitenkans (Exceptional Chance), Almere 2011

Lecture evening Eco Cities, Systems and Alternatives, 2009

PhD Meeting, 2009

Visit of Yale University School of Architecture (YSOA) and MAB to INTI and Almere with Alex Garvin, Robert Stern (dean of YSOA) and Kevin Gray. (photo: Paul Kroese)