Making Cities Together Lab, Nairobi - INTI - International New Town Institute

Making Cities Together Lab, Nairobi

Fast growing cities, like Nairobi, face serious challenges in developing into an inclusive and prosperous environment. The ‘Making Cities Together’ project aims to develop a sustainable, viable and long-term agenda for Nairobi’s public spaces as an entry point to urban development.

In May 2015 the Placemaking Design Lab took place to develop new strategies for public spaces in the City centre, Dandora and Korogocho. The ’Must Seed’ strategy in Dandora is selected for implementation at the end of this year. The lab brought together various actors in public space including the academia, private sector, NGO’s, community groups, citizens and experts from Kenya and across the world.

The ‘Making Cities Together’ project that is initiated by the International Federation of Housing and Planning (DK), the International New Town Institute (NL) and Placemakers (NL). The Lab was organized in close partnership with Nairobi City County, UN-HABITAT, DASUDA, KUWA, The Technical University of Kenya, University of Nairobi’s Centre for Urban Research and Innovation and was supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.