Excursion New Towns of Shanghai
May 12-19, 2010
New Towns for the 21st Century, from Almere to Qing Pu.

The International New Town Institute (INTI) is pleased to invite its extended network to the New Town excursion to Shanghai and the World Expo in May 2010. The theme of the World Expo is ‘Better City, Better Life’—a well known and recognizable ambition of many New Towns. The impetus for New Towns is almost universally a dose of optimism and the drive for innovation. New Towns can also be seen as a controlling device in the world’s ongoing urbanisation. At this moment in history, the majority of the world’s population is living in cities, and a new wave of New Towns is quickly spreading across the Asian continent.

Since 2001, Shanghai has been host to a set of 10 satellite New Towns. These towns represent both confidence in an urban future, and the government’s desire to control Shanghai’s growth. The International New Town Institute is organizing excursions to these contemporary New Towns. The delegation will attend INTI’s dinner conference ‘New Towns for the 21st Century, from Almere to Qing Pu’ at the Holland Pavilion ‘Happystreet’. A Chinese delegation of local officials, researchers and designers will be invited for this evening. During the event the publication ‘Shanghai New Cities - searching for community and identity in a sprawling metropolis’ will be launched.

The delegation will consist of researchers, university representatives, local authorities of Dutch New Towns, urban designers, journalists, other authorities and (international) organizations in the field of New Towns.

This excursion is an initiative of INTI and a cooperation between INTI, the municipality of Almere and the Province of Flevoland, who is sponsor of the Holland Pavilion. ‘Urban Language’ is our foreign correspondent and local travel guide.

Preliminary program

May 12 Wednesday Departure Schiphol Amsterdam.
May 13 Thursday Arrival Shanghai, transfer to hotel.
May 14 Friday Visit World Expo. 
17h00-21h00 INTI dinner conference ‘New Towns for the 21st Century, from Almere to Qing Pu’. Opening by mr Leen Verbeek, provincial governor Flevoland. Lectures by Michelle Provoost, Arnold Reijndorp and representatives of municipality of Almere and Tongji University.
Book presentation ‘Shanghai New Cities - searching for community and identity in a sprawling metropolis’ (Harry den Hartog, ed.) at Holland Pavilion (VIP room ‘The Crown’).
May15 Saturday Visit World Expo.
May 16 Sunday Excursion to New Towns of Shanghai: city tour Songjiang University Town & Thames Town, visit Qingpu New Town & Zhujiajiao, including waterside dinner and canal cruise.
May 17 Monday Excursion to New Towns of Shanghai: city tour Anting (German) New Town, Luodian (Scandinavian) New Town & Gaoqiao (Dutch Town), visit planning museum, walking tours and business meeting with local officials and planner, diner on special location.
May 18 Tuesday Shanghai.
May 19 Wednesday Free time in Shanghai & farewell party.
May 20 Thursday Transfer to Shanghai Pudong Airport, departure. Arrival Schiphol Amsterdam.

Price indication € 2.250,- including flight Amsterdam-Shanghai-Amsterdam, transfers, hotels, access World Expo, excursions, some dinners and lunches. Excl. visa.

Interested? Please send your application before April 1, 2010 to info@newtowninstitute.org

See INTI website for list of applicants.

More info:

