Programme INTD18 - INTI - International New Town Institute

Programme INTD18

Provisional Schedule:

 09:00 - 09:30 Registrations

 09:30 - 10:00 Welcome and Introduction by Michelle Provoost, Director of INTI

 10:00 - 11:30 Session: Holland Boom Town
This session examines the role of groeikernen in current urbanization of De Randstad.

Presentation of research results by:

  • Marc Hanou, Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
  • Marleen Hermans, Brink Management / Advies

Reactions and discussions with:

  • Daan Zandbelt, Chief Government Adviser on the Built and Rural Environment
  • Arnold Reijndorp, University of Amsterdam
  • Desiree Uitzetter, BPD Area Developers
  • Jeroen de Bok, Muncipality of Rotterdam
  • Floor Hartog, Municipality of Spijkenisse
  • Jeroen Scholten, Municipality of Zoetermeer
  • Jaap Meindersma, Municipality of Almere

 11:30 - 12:00 Presentation: New Town Heritage Agenda
During this half an hour the New Town Heritage Agenda will be presented to representatives from the Groeikernen in an official hand over ceremony.

Presentation by:

  • Sabine Coady Schäbitz, Coventry University (UK)

Reactions from:

  • Anita Blom, Dutch Cultural Heritage Agency
  • Politicans from the Groeikernen Zoetermeer, Spijkenisse, Almere

 12:00 - 13:30 lunch break + Urban Labs the Film
The lunch will include the screening of the documentary ’Urban Labs the film’ by Alexander Valeton, which showcases the work of five Urban Lab teams funded by Dutch creative industries that worked for a year on planning projects in Ghana, Myanmar, Gaza, Philippines, Mexico.

 13:30 - 14:30 Session: To build a City in Africa
During this session we will present the book ’To build a City in Africa - A history and manual’ (eds. Rachel Keeton, Michelle Provoost) which offers the opportunity to discuss how to improve the New Town developments currently planned or under construction in Africa.

Book presentation by:

  • Michelle Provoost, Director of INTI
  • Rachel Keeton, TU Delft

Reactions and discussions with:

  • Tim Beighton, Rendeavour Developers
  • Femke van Noorloos, Utrecht University
  • Rogier van den Berg / Laura Petrella, UN-Habitat
  • Gareth Edwards, SOM
  • Bert Smolders, Arcadis shelter program manager
  • Anteneh Tesfaye Tola, Doctoral Candidate at TU Delft

 14:45 - 16:15 Session: Lessons from the Labs
(parallel session)
In the past years INTI and the Urban Design & Planning Labs by UN-Habitat have organized Urban Labs across the globe. Through those many Dutch professionals have become closely involved with challenges concerning urbanization in Africa, Asia and South America. The main question at stake in this session is how we can further professionalize the method of Urban Labs to be able to best respond to current urbanisation challenges.

Short presentations on:

  • the New Town Labs by Linda Vlassenrood and Simone Rots, both from INTI
  • international urban design experiences by Helena Casanova , Casanova & Hernandez Architects

Reactions and discussions with:

  • Markus Appenzeller, MLA+
  • Remco Rolvink, DASUDA
  • Martin Sobota, Cityförster
  • Tim Beighton, Rendeavour
  • Jann de Waal, Toptream Creative Industrie
  • Zineb Seghrouchni, Creative Industries Fund NL
  • Caroline Warmerdam, Netherlands Enterprise Agency (tbc)

 14:45 - 16:15 Session: New Town Heritage: Architecture and the residents (parallel session)
This session deals with architectural heritage in New Towns and their residents perspective on it.

Presentation by:

  • Simon Peart, Conservation and Archaeology Manager Milton Keynes Council
  • Willem Hermans, Stichting Schatbewakers
  • Dafne Wiegers, AHH

Reactions and discussions with:

  • Sabine Coady Schäbitz, Coventry University
  • Anita Blom, Dutch Cultural Heritage Agency
  • Bas ten Brinke, Chairperson of the ’Welstandscommissie’ of Almere
  • Joosje van Geest, Architectural Historian

 16:30 - 17.00 Conclusion and discussions

 17:00 Drinks & Bites

International New Town Day
Programme INTD18
  Holland Boom Town
  To build a city in Africa
  Lessons from the Labs
  New Town Heritage
Partners & Sponsors
Practical Information