A Global Network of Urban Professionals
The INTImi network is a global network of urban planners, policy-makers, architects, developers, social geographers and students, who all share an interest in learning about the latest and most relevant topics and developments in the planning and design of New Towns.
The INTI team maintains and expands this network in order to guarantee a consistent flow of relevant and renewing events and publications.
By joining INTImi, you are entering an international network of high-level urban development professionals and researchers which will facilitate your decision-making and problem-solving and will give you access to useful contacts, knowledge and knowhow in your field.
The Advantages of Joining INTImi
Each member is invited to all INTI events – which vary from conferences, lectures and workshops – in order to become part of relevant and recent New Town developments worldwide. During these events, cities have the opportunity to share innovations and solutions, but also partner and team up with other New Towns with comparable challenges or ambitions.
Since 2016, the regular program of conferences and workshops is expanded with the International New Town Day and a new workshop, the New Town Labs, in which specific urgent topics, formulated by our members, are dealt with by means of design charettes and translated into implementable actions and projects. These events provide INTImi Members with two key benefits:
– Participating in a System of Knowledge Exchange
Being an INTImi, you do not only receive information on new urban developments, you also produce this information yourself. The network is unique in the sense that it has been established for the sake of the collection and creation of new knowledge on the topics which concern or appeal to all members of the network. All members can place their own topics of interest onto the strategic agenda and become a source of inspiration to both INTI and each other. This way, the wants and needs of INTImi can be directly translated into concrete research proposals which can be integrated in the research programs of local universities and the TU Delft.
– Connecting on an International Level
As the word ’network’ already implies, none of this is done on an individual basis: all INTImi are united in their shared challenges and opportunities. This makes INTImi membership also an opportunity to meet fellow professionals, establish valuable contacts and share experiences. The INTImi network distinguishes in its quality: all members of INTImi are selected on the basis of the progressive steps they have already taken in the planning and policymaking in terms of sustainability, appeal and livability. Together, all members of the network reinforce their progressive ambitions and benefit from each other’s knowledge. INTImi membership broadens their horizon, as they find inspiration with colleagues from four different continents (Europe, Asia, South-America, Africa).
INTI is an independent, non-subsidized organization. In order for us to fund our activities, the conferences, workshops, and other events as well as publications, we need the support of our network: the cities, design and engineering firms, and universities. To become part of this network and enjoy its perks, a contribution fee is required. In return, you will not only participate in relevant knowledge exchange or connect to an international network of fellow professionals, but also receive other benefits, like:
- Invitations to the annual International New Town Day
- Discount on publications
- Discount on excursions, symposiums and conferences.
- Access to the INTI library
- Priority registration on INTI events
INTImi members consist of a wide variety of organizations and therefore distinguishes different categories of membership.
The fee for small to medium sized cities and corporate firms is 2500 euro yearly; the fee for large cities and firms is 5000 euro.
The INTImi membership fee is dependent on one’s institutional background and is secured by an annual subscription. Membership will be automatically extended unless notice is given of a cancellation.
If you would like to register or if you would like to receive more information, please contact: info@newtowninstitute.org