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Roberta Moneta

New Town: San Polo, Italy
Organisation: Teatro 19

Roberta Moneta, actress, director, and playwright, also leads Teatro 19, identified as a "theatre-maker". Graduated from the University of Bologna in DAMS and trained at the School of Theater directed by Alessandra Galante Garrone. Her career spans since 1992, encompassing collaborations with the Nucleo Operativo Tossicodipendenze and Children’s Theater at Fondazione Sipario Toscana. In 2004, she founded Teatro19, serving as its artistic and administrative director. With a focus on integrating theater with mental health, she directs site-specific performances and writes plays for unconventional spaces. Since 1994, she’s been a trainer in various settings, emphasizing work with marginalized communities and exploring the potential of art in social contexts.