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Final Presentations
Masterclass De Nieuwe Stad
28 January 2010

The International New Town Institute organized the masterclass ‘The New City’ for civil servants working at the Municipality of Almere. This masterclass allowed professionals with various backgrounds to gain insights into themes connected to the development of Almere New Town, and to discuss themes such as Diversity, Sustainability and Economics.

Various speakers and scientists such as Ronald Wall, Simon Franke and Olaf van der Wal shared their insights on relevant topics with the group, under the guidance of moderator Arnold Reijndorp. The group visited the British New Town Milton Keynes and during their final gathering they discussed their ideas for the future of Almere during the debate game ‘The Making of’, developed by artist Hans Venhuizen.

The final presentations of the participants will mark the end of the masterclass de Nieuwe Stad, providing an opportunity to exchange ideas and lessons. Burgermeester Annemarie Jorritsma-Lebbink (VVD) will be present to discuss the proposals of the participants and the success of the masterclass with the group.

INTI intends to organize various other Masterclasses for civil servants in the future, with a focus on different new towns in the Netherlands. Each Masterclass provides the participants with an opportunity to enhance the quality of their work by learning from a group of relevant experts. For more information, or if you would like INTI to organize a masterclass to your specific wishes, please contact Ms. Marit Geluk at m.geluk@newtowninstitute.org.