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ECAS Conference 2013: 5th European Conference on African Studies
June 27 - 29, 2013
"African dynamics in a multipolar world"

As part of the preparation for INTI’s expansion to three African cities over the next three years, INTI representatives will be attending the fifth European Conference on African Studies (ECAS 5) in Lisbon, Portugal, on June 27 to 29, 2013. The conference is organized by the Centro de Estudos Africanos - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (Center of African Studies of the University Institute of Lisbon) on behalf of AEGIS, the Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies. The general theme of this conference will be ‘African Dynamics in a Multipolar World’.

The 2010s have witnessed the consolidation of most African states and institutions. However, fifty years after the foundation of the Organization of African Unity in 1963, the international panorama and Africa’s position in it have changed considerably. The world’s geopolitical and economic configuration has evolved, with new actors appearing on an increasingly globalized scene. Under these conditions and given its own trajectory, the current challenges that Africa faces include the promotion of peace and security, human rights, democratic institutions and particularly the integration and socioeconomic development of Africans, as stated by the OUA’s successor, the African Union. ECAS 2013 will discuss three aspects of this new configuration and its effects on African societies: political challenges, economic and development changes and social creativity. The conference’s main focus will be the contemporary period, while taking into account the historical dimension of these issues.

Registration is still open if you would like to join us in Lisbon!