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IFHP Centenary Congress 2013
June 8 - 11, 2013
"A Tomorrow for Cities: for people, by people"

INTI Director Michelle Provoost presented her lecture "From Welfare State to Neo-Liberal Utopia" at the 2013 IFHP Centenary Congress on June 10 in London, England as part of the Housing and Social Justice Track.

This Track explores the founding principles of the Garden City movement and the IFHP - the desire to create socially just and sustainable places - and asks how to embed these into planning for new communities to create more resilient and inclusive cities worldwide. Coordinated by the TCPA and RICS, this track considers how these principles can be embedded in the planning for new communities worldwide, exploring the contemporary governance and delivery tools to achieve this as part of a move to a low carbon economy. It considers how to retrospectively embed these principles and achieve social justice where the luxury of planning for new communities does not exist.