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4th International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam
24 September 2009 - 10 January 2010
Exhibitions by INTI

The International New Town Institute will be contributing to the exhibition Parallel Cases (curated by Ralf Pasel) at the 4th International Architecture Biennale in Rotterdam between September 24, 2009 and January 10, 2010. Our two contributions are done in tandem with researchers from the TU Delft.

Responsive City Game

Delft University of Technology and International New Towns Institute (NL)

Sportpark de Wierden is currently planned as a new expansion for Almere Haven, the 30 year old new town of the Netherlands. Biggest ambition of the municipality is to develop the area in an organic fashion. The Responsive City game was designed as an alternative to traditional participation models. Game agents organized a city without preset rules, based on their individual visions. Negotiations took place all along the game ensuring a collective order for the new city.

Eurasian Informality

Delft University of Technology and International New Towns Institute (NL)

Turkey is at the doorstep of the EU and Istanbul is waiting to be crowned the Cultural Capital of Europe in 2010. New adaptation laws are passing through the parliament, and the future capital of culture needs to be cleaned up from the "embarrassing" informality. Gulensu, a 30 year ’gecekondu’ (informal city) with 50.000 inhabitants is confronted with topdown modernist transformation plans of the city. While residents resist to the city’s plans, they form collaborations with academics and NGOs to prepare their city for the changing socio-economic conditions.

For more information on the IABR click here.

The Biennale is located at the NAi (Netherlands Architecture Institute) which is at Museumpark 25 3015 CB Rotterdam. Opening times are Tuesday - Saturday: 10.00 - 17.00 and Sunday 11.00 - 17.00.