City Policies
General migrant integration policies
Note: “Byrådet” means it is decided in the city council. “Magistraten” is the assembly of the mayor and the aldermen. Except for the Active Citizenship Policy, the links are available in Danish only.
- Integrationspolitik (Byrådet, 2005/2007) [Integration policy]
- Værdiramme for antiradikaliseringsindsatsen (Magistraten, 2014) [Values for de-radicalisation effort]
- Medborgerskabspolitik (Byrådet, 2016) [Active Citizenship Policy] – English version here
- Bestyrelsen for Boligsociale Helhedsplaner (Regulativ fra Landsbyggefonden, 2015) [Board for Social Housing efforts]
- Flygtningehandleplan (Magistraten, 2016) [Refugee action plan]
- Initiativer mod parallelsamfund (Byrådet, 2016) [Initiatives against parallel societies]
- Fælles strategi for udsatte boligområder (Magistraten, 2017) [Strategy against deprived social housing areas]
Local policies for the areas of Gellerup, Bipsehaven and Viby Syd
In each of these three areas, the city’s policies combine physical changes with social efforts.
- Tryghedsrenovering af Bispehaven (Magistraten 2. oktober 2017)
- Udviklingsplan for fysisk omdannelse af Bispehaven (Magistraten 2. oktober 2017)
- Dispositionsplanen for torvet i Viby Syd (Magistraten 7. august 2017)
- Dispositionsplan for Gellerup og Toveshøj (Byrådet 16. marts 2011)
- Helhedsplanen for Viby Syd (Byrådet december 2009)
- Aftale vedr. grundlaget for dispositionsplanen for Gellerup og Toveshøj (23. juni 2009)
- Helhedsplan Gellerup og Toveshøj (byrådet 19. dec. 2007)